
Young Writers Workshop - 6th-10th Grade

Nikki Loftin, former educator, is the author of three middle grade novels, including Nightingale’s Nest, which received starred reviews from Kirkus and the Bulletin for the Center for Children’s Books, Wish Girl, and The Sinister Sweetness of Splendid Academy, which was the winner of the 2013 Writer’s League of Texas Book Award. If You Get Lost is her picture book debut. This amazing book has received accolades across the country. In this gentle read-aloud–a modern day Velveteen Rabbit–a stuffed bunny comes to life after getting lost on a family’s camping trip, then finds its way back to its child. Nikki lives, writes, and gets lost in her daydreams in the Hill Country just outside Austin.

We are so thrilled to host Nikki as she offers two writing workshops in Abilene.

Snowflake the Delicious Unicorn: How to Make a Memorable Character Come to Life

A humorous, intensely hands-on workshop on how to create a memorable character using different techniques, but focusing on the "why" and "what if" of character and plot.This workshop ends with each student using his or her created character to begin a story, with the invitation to read their beginning aloud, and finish it on their own.

Tickets are $25


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Young Writers Workshop 3-5th Grade

Nikki Loftin, former educator, is the author of three middle grade novels, including Nightingale’s Nest, which received starred reviews from Kirkus and the Bulletin for the Center for Children’s Books, Wish Girl, and The Sinister Sweetness of Splendid Academy, which was the winner of the 2013 Writer’s League of Texas Book Award. If You Get Lost is her picture book debut. This amazing book has received accolades across the country. In this gentle read-aloud–a modern day Velveteen Rabbit–a stuffed bunny comes to life after getting lost on a family’s camping trip, then finds its way back to its child. Nikki lives, writes, and gets lost in her daydreams in the Hill Country just outside Austin.

We are so thrilled to host Nikki as she offers two writing workshops in Abilene.

Stealing From Goldilocks: Using Fairy Tales to Create a New Story

3rd-5th Grade

A fun, hour-long workshop for elementary writers where we explore universal fairy tales, tear them apart, and rebuild our own new creations using a familiar framework.

Tickets are $25


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Books & Boards

Books & Boards

Join us for a super fun evening! Krista, owner of Graze Abilene, will lead us through a tasting to hone our skills on pairing items as well as workshopping some how-tos for building a small board. Your ticket will include tasting, the workshop, and wine! Arlene, owner of Seven and One Books, will be on hand with some great grazing board books options. This is a fun experience gift to give a friend or a welcome breather in the middle of the holiday crazies!
Tickets are $35 and available here: https://seven-and-one-books.square.site/product/books-boards/4803

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Book Swap

Book Swap

On Sunday, 12/10 from 3-4pm, bring a book or two that you’d like to share with someone and pick up a book or two that you may want to read!

Make it more fun by attaching a little note to your book to convince someone to choose her to take home!

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Create a wish list!
to Dec 24

Create a wish list!

Come in and complete a wishlist! We will hold it in store and when someone comes in to shop for you they can ask for your wishlist and shop the things you really want!

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Enneagram Workshop 2023

Enneagram Workshop 2023

Join us for a discussion led by Enneagram Coach, Ephraim Schoephoerster. Based on Beatrice Chestnut’s book The Enneagram Guide to waking up: Find Your Path, Face Your Shadow, Discover Your True Self. 

Tickets available for $10 at the following link:



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Intentions Day

Intentions Day

Join us for a tea or mimosa after school drop off on Wednesday, August 16th. Take some YOU time and create a small intentions bottle with some goals and ideas for your upcoming year.

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Poetry Reading: Seven and One Salon

Poetry Reading: Seven and One Salon

One thing transcends the ages - art has the power to move humanity from apathy to action. Intentionally gathering creatives in the tradition of “the salon” has provided a way for cultural movements to change the world. Medici’s salon in the 1500’s was the rebirth of art and thought! Gertrude Stein’s salon in the 20’s to the Six Gallery in the 50’s to the Harlem Writers Guild all provided voices of hope and resistance. We need those voices. Spread the word and join us at the 7&1 Salon. Bring your best snapping fingers.

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Author Event: Karen Keen

Author Event: Karen Keen

Join us for conversation and a book signing by Karen Keen. In Karen’s words:
My goal is to generate meaningful reflection on questions like: What is the Bible? How is it used in faith communities and the public sphere to generate positive or negative impact? In what ways are people’s thinking and behavior influenced by interpretations of it? What value does the Bible have for the average person in everyday life? How does it point us toward God?

I am especially interested in making biblical scholarship accessible to a general audience. I enjoy teaching in an academic setting but I also love dialoguing at the local coffee shop, facilitating Sunday School groups, or musing over the meaning of life and God with those who are religiously disaffected.

Alongside teaching, I have the privilege of seeing how God is moving in the lives of people who come my way for spiritual care. I stumbled onto the practice of  spiritual direction by accident. Several years ago, I needed help knowing that God was still active in my life. Someone pointed me to a spiritual director and it was life-changing for me. Eventually, I completed a certificate program with the Faithful Companions of Jesus, a congregation of Catholic sisters in the Ignatian tradition. While pursuing graduate studies at Marquette University, I served campus staff at the Faber Center for Ignatian Spirituality, where I also received additional mentoring. Now I work in private practice as The Redwood Center for Spiritual Care & Education. I particularly enjoy doing spiritual direction with small groups to help counter the isolation that many people experience.

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